Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ebey Trail Wog

Before our Superbowl party, us girls went out for a wog on the bluff trail. Ended up being about 4.5 miles of gorgeous-ness! Seriously! One of THE most beautiful places on earth to me. Well...besides being on Space Mountain or something...

View from the trail

I was trying to rush up and get a better picture, but, it just didn' t happen. There is really no "rushing" when you are trying to catch up with the speedy wabbit Aim...she kept having to pick up Rufi and carry him past the other dogs to avoid him having "small dog syndrome" and ruining our jog along...

An eagle in a tree and one was flying overhead but I didn't get him in the picture.

We found a geocache on accident along here. Someone didn't hide it every well and Christi, with her eagle eye spotted it! Pretty fun accident!!!

Gorgeous Mt. Baker

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