Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ET Phoned HOME

We went to the doctor to take care of ET once and for all. The skin tag that keeps coming back on Jordan's head was snipped off at the doctor on Monday. It should not grow back. The doctor said it had quite a stem and would take several (3 or 4) times of freezing off to make it permanent. So, she gave him some numbing shots right into poor ET (ouchie-Jordan was a big boy though) and then she cut it off with scissors, though Jordan claims she sawed it off, I only saw a snip...

Poor traumatized boy. A shake made him feel all better. I even made him buy his own shake :-) With his McDonald's card from the Easter Bunny...AND, being the horrible mom I am....made him buy me a large diet Dr. Pepper too! He as not impressed!

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