Saturday, June 11, 2011


David whipped up a little BBQ with friends at our house....I LOVE this season! Me and my girlfriends :-)

David whipping up some mean burgers!!!

Sloane-y Baloney with her watermelon.

Kylie did some damage to hers as well.

My sweet friend Amy. I miss her, she moved too far away. Glad she was able to come over for a bit.
Our fabulous friends (and neighbors) Jeff and Tanya!

the neighborhood hoodlums and Lily June

David's dessert plate.

And, my wonderful friend Tracy and her puppy Miz Mia!


Jeff and Tanya said...

Thanks for hosting yet another fantabulous bbq! Wonderful burgers and loved all the salads! Oh, and dessert of course!

Barbi Ford said...

I love BBQ season! Let the grilled (by David) begin :-)