Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Katie wanted a camping cake. She made it herself, with a little help. She did a great job! They are getting to be a whole bunch of cake bosses!!! But then...all the sudden...Katie realized....something on her cake was was the campfire! What happened to the campfire???? Where is it???? After much has been confirmed that the campfire was consumed by Frank's brother Roy, who, for some unknown reason, didn't realize that the cake, all made up and ready to go, not cut or anything, was actually NOT ready to be consumed yet. So...a new campfire had to be assembled. Whew! Crisis averted....

Birthday girl blowing out her candles

Anth being a teenager at a birthday party

The gang...both Christi's and Frank's side were represented

Frank's sister Judy gave Katie this bench for her birthday and Jordan found that it made for excellent lounging!

Hailey petting Lucy (Moosie) May, who was pooped out by all of the festivities

Brother Roy consuming his SECOND campfire of the day!

Sarah and baby Karter

the gang

Getting serious with the cake and ice cream

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