Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sick boy...

Poor Jordan....he has been complaining of his throat hurting for 3 days. He missed his football game last night because his headache was so awful that he just came home from school and slept. Unfortunately mom and dad drove all the way down here to see his game, but apparently he had good reason not to feel well. He got up this morning trying not to go to school so I had him get up, try to eat something, get something to drink, take some ibuprofen and he really just wasn't well. Had a fever too. So...I got him an appointment, put in for a sub, ran into work and wrote out sub plans till 1. We were at the doctor so long I almost didn't make it to work on time!!! (though I did get my flu shot, they wouldn't give one to him with a fever) I did run to Costco, he wanted pizza from Costco which I don't think he was able to finish because it hurt his throat but it tasted soooo good to him. Anyway, still not feeling well, resting on the couch. He doesn't mind watching TV till his brain turns to mush, but you can tell he doesn't feel well. I am off to his open house at his school and hopefully get some of his homework so he doesn't get too far behind. This could get ugly. And he was chosen for the ball boy for the Kentwood game Friday night in Auburn so I have an email into his coach asking if he can reschedule it...Jordan tried to reason with will have been 24 hours of antibiotics by the time 7 pm rolls around, game time...but I told him it was not going to work that way if he didn't go to school on Friday, (and the doctor specifically told us no school today or tomorrow) we would have to reschedule and give someone else a chance this time...funny boy. Priorities, I tell ya. Anyway, hoping he feels better soon...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More carnage...

Ohmygoodness!!!! Seriously!!!! She got her NEW collar (she chewed the other one up, as well as her harness and leash) off the entry table and ate it into like 5 pieces!!! She apparently was reading Jordan's new book and had some MORE trouble turning pages and tore it all apart. She totally tore up an XBOX game case (XBOX controllers are next hopefully)) A huge mess for me when I get home tired cuz I actually went to the gym tonight (woot! woot! for meeee!!) Trying to get into a groove of going right after work, so I don't come home and find all the other things that need to be done, and get Lucy all excited then turn around and leave, which I won't do, so I have been packing my things and going directly after work. It isn't too crazy busy at that time either which is nice. I am very uncomfortable there by myself using my baby weights, is what it is, it won't get any better if I don't do something about it... We may have to crate her for the entire day at the rate we are going. I think she can hold it that long...

Prayers for Uncle Dave

Uncle Dave is having some health problems and is in the hospital while they are trying to get him figured out. It sounds as if the doctors think he will make a full recovery but he needs prayers anyway...

David is in California

David is working in Huntington Beach California Monday through Wednesday, then heads to Whidbey for 4 days to take care of his weekends before the end of the fiscal year. Busy, busy round here!


Why such a puppy????? I came home from work to this suspicious scene...I guess she had trouble turning the pages and finding Anthony in the football program from Saturday's game. Soooo....she tore it all up! Good thing I have an "in" with the program lady. I was trying to buy all of them for his senior year for him to have later.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Today was a good day!!!!

Today we received word that Anthony was accepted to Boise State. He has already been accepted to Montana State. And SAT test is this weekend. Wishing him the best of luck!!

Jordan was chosen to be the ball boy for the Kentwood vs. Auburn game in Auburn this Friday night! Kids are chosen by who works the hardest at practices. Nice job J!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Jordan was playing with Lucy May on the trampoline and she got tired and had to rest...on his head!!! Funny girl!

She's taking over the W-O-R-L-D!!!!

She has control of all the remotes!!! So cute all curled up with the remotes all around her...I didn't even stage this one!

Kentwood vs.Puyallup

Final score 27 - 14. We finally came alive in the 4th quarter! Nail biter though. But they always are for me... #33 baby!!! David's Navy buddy Thomas even drove all the way down from Redmond to see Kentwood play. And it worked out that mom and dad were able to come down and watch as well, and then Aimee and Bree came to our house after the volleyball tourney (where Bree's team took 6 out of 16 - nice job Bree!) at South Whidbey and they all went to the Seahawks game on Sunday. Rounding out the weekend with a Seahawk win! yay!

Pregame breakfast

Coach didn't want the boys sleeping in and not eating well and being all lethargic for their game on Saturday against Puyallup. Normally we don't have Saturday games. So, the booster club moms (and dad) put together a breakfast. It was so good! My friend Rachael made an egg casserole with eggs (obviously) sausage and hash brown. Ummm...delish! And we made pancakes, they had milk, orange juice and apple juice too. Anth ate so much he was lethargic and came home and took a nap, just like coach told them NOT to do....

The boys left none!

The Varsity boys eating.

Some of the moms flipping pancakes

Friday, September 23, 2011


Goodness! She has been so bad about chewing stuff up lately....came home and the newsletter from Jordan's school was all over the floor. I glanced it over and hadn't yet put things in my calendar....guess I'm done with it. Everything will just be a surprise!

How can you be mad at that face????

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ready for some Mattson football?????????

all laid out and ready to go! You can tell J cuz he has the yellow on his cleats!

Check out the view of Mt Rainier from the field. So beautiful today.

The mountain with the boys. Jordan is far right in the back kind of with his hand on his mouth piece.

Ready, set....


He is wayyyy over on the far side.

After game huddle. Victory 24 to 14 over Cedar Heights.

Little sweaty football boys....J and Cory.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Little trip to the Puyallup Fair

Tony called last night and asked if we wanted to go to the Puyallup Fair with their family. We discussed it and decided we would pass. Then...Cooper called and asked us to go this morning and before I knew it, I heard, they will be here in 30 minutes! So, I scrambled to get ready, asked Jordan to go (did NOT want to) Anthony had cheer practice, so we left. No use making J go if he doesn't want to and the fair is so expensive, it is ridiculous!!!!

Cool new ride I have never seen

Jumping. I remember the kids doing this years ago in Ocean Shores. They had a blast!

Cooper racing

All his race fans

Then on to pony rides...

and feeding the sheep

Coop and I went on a big roller coaster. He loved it, then hated it, then loved it again at the end. I kinda had to talk him through it there in the middle...told him if he could do California Screamin, he can definately do these fair rides! Let me just say. These fair rides are NO Disneyland!

Uncle David bought Layne a slushie. Everyone else enjoyed a delicious roasted corn. It was SO good!

Riding quads

Getting a much needed foot massage after all that walking.

Even Tony got one...

Kara got talked (well...she had to go because Layne wasn't tall enough to go with Cooper, she had to go with an adult) into the roller coaster

Pioneer Farms had a mini version of the field trip we have gone on in the 3rd grade. I still think it is super cool. the day off with a big ole cotton candy!

Bonding time....

watchin some football

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thanks Kylie!!!

What a nice surprise! Tanya and I came home from Weight Watchers this morning (we both lost and weren't anticipating to-YAY for us!!!) and Kylie had made some orange cranberry muffins with fresh strawberries and had one all ready to go for me when I dropped her mom off. There really were more strawberries than that, they were nice and fresh, just like I like em. And the muffin? Still steaming hot from the Delish! Thank you Kylie :-) That was sweet.

My leg

I know....not the most flattering shot, but here is the front of one of my legs...and the fruits of the mosquito's labor as I sat in a chair and watched the boys play horse shoes in Tennesse. They didn't bother me at all until 2 days ago...and now they iiiitch like crazy, and kept me up last night! David went to the store and got me some Benadryl spray which helps the itching a little. They got me on both legs all the way up to my knees. Ugh. I didn't even realize it. I mean, I killed one but it wasn't like I felt like I was getting bit like crazy or anything...

A friendly little game of horseshoes

Who knew? David is actually really good at horse shoes! I sat in a chair and watched. They played till dark.