Sunday, September 18, 2011

Little trip to the Puyallup Fair

Tony called last night and asked if we wanted to go to the Puyallup Fair with their family. We discussed it and decided we would pass. Then...Cooper called and asked us to go this morning and before I knew it, I heard, they will be here in 30 minutes! So, I scrambled to get ready, asked Jordan to go (did NOT want to) Anthony had cheer practice, so we left. No use making J go if he doesn't want to and the fair is so expensive, it is ridiculous!!!!

Cool new ride I have never seen

Jumping. I remember the kids doing this years ago in Ocean Shores. They had a blast!

Cooper racing

All his race fans

Then on to pony rides...

and feeding the sheep

Coop and I went on a big roller coaster. He loved it, then hated it, then loved it again at the end. I kinda had to talk him through it there in the middle...told him if he could do California Screamin, he can definately do these fair rides! Let me just say. These fair rides are NO Disneyland!

Uncle David bought Layne a slushie. Everyone else enjoyed a delicious roasted corn. It was SO good!

Riding quads

Getting a much needed foot massage after all that walking.

Even Tony got one...

Kara got talked (well...she had to go because Layne wasn't tall enough to go with Cooper, she had to go with an adult) into the roller coaster

Pioneer Farms had a mini version of the field trip we have gone on in the 3rd grade. I still think it is super cool. the day off with a big ole cotton candy!

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