Wednesday, May 2, 2012


 We started off with Hollywood Studios before we went to watch cheer.  Dad and I went on Tower of Terror for Katie...and lived to tell about it!  The wait was only 10 minutes

 Then I did single rider for Rock 'n Roller $10 truck stop purple zebra sunglasses didn't survive the roller coaster.  So sad!  Had to buy some new glasses.....then off to Wide World of Sports 

 Anthony's team did AWESOME!  I can't even really explain what that felt like . Knowing this was his IT!  His last World's!  And to kill it like that.  They rocked the house!!!!  They were the team that came out of nowhere and people rooted for just because we were the underdog!  SO excited for them...and to the #1 team drop  someone....and have them reading off from 10th place....and after 3rd place....our name had not been called....we were SECOND????  IN THE WORLD????  Oh yes!  Tears of joy!  SO emotional for everyone!  I am so so happy that they went out at the top!!!!  Kids and coaches beyond happy!  And off to the Block Party at Hollywood Studios they all went!  Somehow we managed to get out of there without one single picture of Anthony in his uniform with mom and dad, which makes me sad.....didn't see enough of him.  He had stuff to do and people to see!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

It makes me cry happy tears every time I watch the video (again) or think about it!

Barbi Ford said...

I still watch it at least once a day. Getting a little ridiculous but it just makes me so happy to see how well they did! And don't have to say what if....