Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ready to Partaay!

 I saw something on Pinterest (of course) about doing this to the doorway of the birthday kid...but I had to go in and wake him up so I didn't want to do it on his bedroom door, so I did it on his bathroom door and instead of breaking through (he wasn't sure if he was supposed to go through it our not) he came all the way downstairs to use the bathroom.  Silly boy!  He did bust through it to brush his teeth though!

All decorated and ready to partay!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012


 Soooo  many pumpkins to choose from

 Checking out the selection

 Did we find it?  Maybe??  NO...

 Jordan decided to do a pumpman this year.

 Then dropped one of his pumpkins on the way to the cracked in half

Sooo....we had to go back to the farm and buy another for the base...

Spooner Farms Corn Maze we go....the theme this year...the Greatest Show on Earth....circus theme!  And the most beautiful fall day!!!!

 And we are off.....

 Here is our card.  There were 7 mailboxes

That's alotta corn!

 Jordan did so well with his sense of direction (didn't get that from me, let's just say....)

 Jordan's spooky shadow outside of one of the tunnels!

 Under the big top!

 Planning out  our strategy.

 Should we cheat??  We had to go to the bathroom, but wanted to finish it properly, so we turned around and found the exit...

 Found it!  I think in record time.  Less than an hour!

 We never did go back for our prize....we were going to figure out the secret scrambled word but never did.  Letters are:  A F G I M N R - what do they spell?

Yay!  For us!

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Fun!  We got boo'd!!! Now gotta run out and get my boo stuff and force Jordan to ding dong ditch!

Busy week

I was able to attend Breeanna's volleyball game at Archbishop Murphy in Mill Creek on Tuesday!  I love watching her play volleyball and this was some good volleyball.  We didn't come out with the win, but they played well, some fun vollies.  It made me appreciate inside sports!  Anyhoo...
Go Wolves!
I got there and Aimee and I were seriously wearing almost the exact same outfit.  We both had on long sweaters with flowers at the neck, skinny jeans and our boots...I went with a pop of red while she stuck to black, but it was pretty funny....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Football Boo Boo

 Jordan had a game at Graham Kapowsin out at Art Crate Stadium at Bethel High School.  Let it be known, I have never complained about our "away" games being 10 or 15 minutes away.  This whole hour drive sucked.  I didn't make it until halftime, and that was leaving straight from work.  I did find it the first time though.  Way out there.  Not the best of games....let's just say those boys eat their Wheaties.  We didn't even score.  It POURED down rain.  POURED.  We (the fans) were covered (thankfully) but those boys were not.  Ugh.  Here is the hit Jordan got helmet to elbow and was diagnosed with a bone contusion.  He is feeling much better, he iced it and it is looking fine.  I think a little sore still but he is back at it!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Paper boy

We have our own paperboy.  Jordan did Zach's paper route in our neighborhood.   After football, Jordan came home and got Zach's papers and folded all of them in their very specific way...loaded the car up (that picture is over halfway through the route) and I followed him with the hatch of the Pilot open while Jordan went door to door bringing the papers to our neighbors.  He is delivering papers to Tammy's old house.  Oh how I miss her....especially this time of year.  We even had excitement.  A firetruck pulled in to one of our neighbors and apparently some kids (some of which Jordan knew) were lighting off fireworks...(HELLOOOOOOO!!!!!  DRY CONDITIONS!!!)  So Stupid!!!  And caught some dry grass on fire.  That could have really gotten ugly!  Ugh.  Anyhow, we got the paper route done and home for a rest.

Someone is visiting

The Carlsen family went to Mexico for the week so Rocky (aka Rockadopolis) came to stay with us.  He is pretty easy to take care of, except for a few nights where he bothered Bobbi in bed, but I figured out how to make him stop, by turning him around the other direction...easy, but endured one night of whining by him and hissing by her.  He settles in just fine at our house, enjoys the dog doors freedoms.  We have had no accidents or anything.  Pretty laid back, even adjusted well to our eating twice a day schedule.  He's a good boy and welcome here anytime.  So tiny and cute when he curls up!  And likes to get under the covers and cuddle, which I miss about Buddy...

Busy week

It has been quite the busy times....between football and work and Jordan being sick, not a whole lot of time.  Jordan had had a headache for 2 weeks so we went to Urgent Care, left our house at 4:14 for the Tacoma Clinic and didn't pull in the driveway until 10:45, on a school night no less.  Ugh.  I am a sleeping weenie and need my sleep!  This whole 5 am thing S-U-C-K-S!  Poor Jordan, who has to plan for 3 things before he leaves the house at 5:40 am.  He has done a really great job!  Jordan was diagnosed with a sinus infection and given antibiotics, which he is still on.  It seems to have taken care of his headache but now he has a head cold.  But on the mend....