Saturday, October 6, 2012

Someone is visiting

The Carlsen family went to Mexico for the week so Rocky (aka Rockadopolis) came to stay with us.  He is pretty easy to take care of, except for a few nights where he bothered Bobbi in bed, but I figured out how to make him stop, by turning him around the other direction...easy, but endured one night of whining by him and hissing by her.  He settles in just fine at our house, enjoys the dog doors freedoms.  We have had no accidents or anything.  Pretty laid back, even adjusted well to our eating twice a day schedule.  He's a good boy and welcome here anytime.  So tiny and cute when he curls up!  And likes to get under the covers and cuddle, which I miss about Buddy...

1 comment:

Jeff and Tanya said...

Ohhhhh, we missed Rocky so much but we knew he was being taken good care of. We can't thank you enough for helping us out.