Saturday, October 6, 2012

Paper boy

We have our own paperboy.  Jordan did Zach's paper route in our neighborhood.   After football, Jordan came home and got Zach's papers and folded all of them in their very specific way...loaded the car up (that picture is over halfway through the route) and I followed him with the hatch of the Pilot open while Jordan went door to door bringing the papers to our neighbors.  He is delivering papers to Tammy's old house.  Oh how I miss her....especially this time of year.  We even had excitement.  A firetruck pulled in to one of our neighbors and apparently some kids (some of which Jordan knew) were lighting off fireworks...(HELLOOOOOOO!!!!!  DRY CONDITIONS!!!)  So Stupid!!!  And caught some dry grass on fire.  That could have really gotten ugly!  Ugh.  Anyhow, we got the paper route done and home for a rest.

1 comment:

Jeff and Tanya said...

Thank you so much for helping Zach out while we were in Mexico...he really appreciated did we.