Saturday, October 20, 2012


Fun!  We got boo'd!!! Now gotta run out and get my boo stuff and force Jordan to ding dong ditch!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Fun! I always think I am going to Boo our neighborhood but never do. Need to this year!

Barbi Ford said...

You should do it. It is fun! Katie would like it!

Jeff and Tanya said...

That looks delicious!

Three Girls with a Mom said...

Had everything ready but just don't like knocking or putting things on doors and maybe getting caught. Katie was SOOOO very excited to Boo you!

Barbi Ford said...

I know will be more fun when Katie it older, then you make her do it. That's what I do. It is fun though! We gobbled up our BOO from Kat, didn't even get pictures...sorry bout that... :-)