Friday, October 19, 2012

Football Boo Boo

 Jordan had a game at Graham Kapowsin out at Art Crate Stadium at Bethel High School.  Let it be known, I have never complained about our "away" games being 10 or 15 minutes away.  This whole hour drive sucked.  I didn't make it until halftime, and that was leaving straight from work.  I did find it the first time though.  Way out there.  Not the best of games....let's just say those boys eat their Wheaties.  We didn't even score.  It POURED down rain.  POURED.  We (the fans) were covered (thankfully) but those boys were not.  Ugh.  Here is the hit Jordan got helmet to elbow and was diagnosed with a bone contusion.  He is feeling much better, he iced it and it is looking fine.  I think a little sore still but he is back at it!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

ouch! That does not look any fun at all!

Jeff and Tanya said...

Yowser! You are tough Jordan!