Thursday, February 27, 2014

Late birthday gift

 I finally got David's car windows tinted.  There!  It's done!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lotsa paint!

 At the Coupeville house we dug out all the hazardous stuff and are going to take them in.  There is a lot of miscellaneous stuff that needs to be cleaned up.  There was a lot of paint that needed to be made into solid so we can throw it out.  We bought one bag of kitty litter and realized that wasn't even close to being enough so had to send Jordan on a field trip to get some more.  In the mean time we opened all the cans and put in what we had, and now just have to let it sit and dry out and then we can take it to the dump.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fun times!

Well....had a little mishap with the toy outside and had to fish it out of the tree.  It was pretty high up there too.  He even lodged a big ROCK in the tree.  Hope it doesn't fall on mom while she is gardening.  We were worried she would think the sky was falling, 'cept it wouldn't be just a pine cone!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Locked in

Katie built one of the guinea pigs a teeny tiny house....she did so well though, just stayed in there, didn't try to get out.  She was so patient with the busy little girl blocking  her in!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Little serious basketball

So happy J and I made it up in time to catch Katie's game, although she didn't want to play much, she did get in and do some serious defense and play herself a little bball!  Fun to watch the young kids where it all for fun, and not the stress of the big kids.



Saturday, February 22, 2014

Lucy may

Well, while driving to the island, Lucy had, what we now think was a seizure.  She started crying and yelping like she was in pain all the sudden while riding in the car.  We pulled over and after a little bit she seemed fine.  David headed back to Covington and Jordan and I went on to Whidbey.  David and Lucy came up on Sunday  morning and the same thing happened in the car, in almost the same place on 405.  They made it to the island, and she seemed fine.  They just made a one day trip and then Monday morning, it happened again.  David took her to the vet and they think they she may have epilepsy.   And what she is having are seizures.  Wish I knew if she was in actual pain, it if a horrible sound.  And then we had to go to 4 pharmacies before we found the medicine.  One place it was going to be $140 and we ended up finding it at Fred Meyer for $30.  That will be a month as she will have to continue to take it.  But, so far, she hasn't had any other episodes so i am hoping the medicine is working it's magic and she won't have to go through that anymore.

Her little food corner is getting ridiculous with all her meds and special food.  She now takes one of her joint pills in the morning a long with 6 pills, twice a day for her seizures.  And she won't sleep in our bed, or room for that matter anymore.  We feel bad for her.  So, David has been sleeping on the couch as she sleeps on the floor.  Poor girl!

Friday, February 21, 2014

First maiden freeway voyage

Jordan had his first maiden freeway voyage heading to Whidbey for the weekend.  He did really well....til we had an emergency with Lucy May and had to pull over.  We didn't know what was wrong with Lucy.  She just kinda freaked out like she was in pain in the car so David headed back home and J and I headed on to the island.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Linner at Mama Stortini's

 After having a yummy veggie pizza for me, and David had salmon, we ordered dessert, even though I was full.  David, apparently, was not!  He ordered two!

 Tirismu and an Italian Cheesecake

 My mini sundae

 Mine compared to David's!

He just couldn't do it.  That cheesecake was probably scrumptious to a cheesecake lover like David.  but it was thick and rich!  He tried his best!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


 The wonderful ladies at my work had a surprise birthday party for me today.  With next week off for President's week, they thought to do it before instead of scramble to do it after we get back.  It was rally thoughtful.  I purposely didn't bring a lunch because David and I had a date, that he made reservations for at a local restaurant that I really like.  And then....they made all this food for me special and I had to eat it!
 Red Velvet cake!

 Chocolate covered cherries!

Not even the whole spread!  They made me spanish rice with hamburger in it, non spicy even though they all love spice!  They brought some to add.  Watermelon salad, Cesear salad, oriental chicken salad, chocolate covered strawberries, red velvet cake, Parmjit made an indian dish, sparkling cider, mint candies :-)  And a $50 gift card to Target.  Woot!  Woot!  I was completely surprised.  No wonder my co-worker Gina had us trolling the parties, wanting to know what everyone was doing for break, wasting thankful I work with people that I really enjoy!

Monday, February 17, 2014

new class.....

This new Contemporary World Issues may end up being a tough class.  They were given a lot of information and 3 days to learn it all.  When David put it all into a multiple choice test thing online, it spit out a 9 page, 48 question test.  It was difficult to manage.  Jordan did well.  He studied and studied for several days for the test!  It looked looked like Jordan was making Santa's naughty/nice list!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Almsot a snow day!

 Too bad it was on a Saturday....though Jordan and I had to drive home from Northgate after Bree's game in it and the city driving sucked.  There were cars all over the roads, we made it home fine, but it took a very long time.

 I mean....almost a blizzard!  J was sure they'd have a snow day.  yeah....not with all Sunday for it to warm up...

  Gooood Morning :-)

 Beautiful, snowy day...not to last very long at all...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

More Wolf basketball

 On the next Saturday, Jordan had a 9 am game, and Bree had a 5 pm game at Kings.  I made J go.  

 Hard fought game!  

Photo bomb by Amanda :-)  And yes, J dressed up for the occasion!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Senior Night for Bree! And showtime for Katie!

 David and I went to watch Breeanna's Senior night game.  We went up just for the game because Jordan had a game at 9 am the next morning.  So we left as soon as I got off of work...and STILL missed the senior night festivities but we caught the game.   They won so that was nice.  And we caught all of Katie's half time dance.  Girls got some moves I tell ya!

Thru the years of Bree and Amanda playing basketball together.  Robert made a nice poster.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Wow! Superbowl 48!

 I started getting ready the night before, we hosted a little gathering for the Superbowl.  

 I strung out towels we have acquired at games up on the mantle.

 Tanya brought all kinds of goodies (she took the kids with ehr when she went shoppoing)

 Our menu consisted of chili dogs, or plain hot dogs, little smokies and chips.  Easy and delicous!

 We did a score board with prizes.  Yeah...the Carlsen's provided the prizes and  yeah...they won just about them all :-)  Kylie won twice!  Ha!  But it was fun, and it you were strategic about figuring what the score could be, that was all messed up with the Safety and then their 2 point conversion. 

 Us girls

 David giving Crista a hard time.  Kris went home to let his dog out during half time so he wsn't in the picture.

And....all the craziness...all the all worked out!  Super Bowl CHAMPS BABYYYY!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

I know it's a lot of pictures, but.....our school had a competition of Seahawk doors the week of the Superbowl...

 This is the door I did for our ELL, however, the it lost it's effect when the principal didn't know the significance of Skittles. Not sure why she was judging, let's just say...we didn't win :-)

 The winner.  It says don't underestimate the power of special teams, and it is on the door of the primary special education room. 

 Wee Hawks on preschool, how cute!

 This kindergarten teacher wasn't artsy but I think she did a great job figureing otu something that still looked good!

 This kindergarten teacher used the kids hand prints and made Seahawks with a glitter eye out of them.  Doesn't look as impressive as it actually is in person.  I don't think she taught at all that few days!  Ha!

 These next few are the big kids, 5th and 6th graders who really got into it.

 This one, unfortunately, had some Bronco fans, they, surprisingly, did NOT win.

 This teacher used her new grand daughter for an awww vote.

 Some made it into a learning experience

This is the office door.  The principal picked them to win the "specialist"  contest because she has to walk through there every day.  I still think we won, it was all done in fun.  And...I certainly didn't need the donuts that were the grand prize!