Saturday, February 22, 2014

Lucy may

Well, while driving to the island, Lucy had, what we now think was a seizure.  She started crying and yelping like she was in pain all the sudden while riding in the car.  We pulled over and after a little bit she seemed fine.  David headed back to Covington and Jordan and I went on to Whidbey.  David and Lucy came up on Sunday  morning and the same thing happened in the car, in almost the same place on 405.  They made it to the island, and she seemed fine.  They just made a one day trip and then Monday morning, it happened again.  David took her to the vet and they think they she may have epilepsy.   And what she is having are seizures.  Wish I knew if she was in actual pain, it if a horrible sound.  And then we had to go to 4 pharmacies before we found the medicine.  One place it was going to be $140 and we ended up finding it at Fred Meyer for $30.  That will be a month as she will have to continue to take it.  But, so far, she hasn't had any other episodes so i am hoping the medicine is working it's magic and she won't have to go through that anymore.

Her little food corner is getting ridiculous with all her meds and special food.  She now takes one of her joint pills in the morning a long with 6 pills, twice a day for her seizures.  And she won't sleep in our bed, or room for that matter anymore.  We feel bad for her.  So, David has been sleeping on the couch as she sleeps on the floor.  Poor girl!

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