Thursday, February 6, 2014

I know it's a lot of pictures, but.....our school had a competition of Seahawk doors the week of the Superbowl...

 This is the door I did for our ELL, however, the it lost it's effect when the principal didn't know the significance of Skittles. Not sure why she was judging, let's just say...we didn't win :-)

 The winner.  It says don't underestimate the power of special teams, and it is on the door of the primary special education room. 

 Wee Hawks on preschool, how cute!

 This kindergarten teacher wasn't artsy but I think she did a great job figureing otu something that still looked good!

 This kindergarten teacher used the kids hand prints and made Seahawks with a glitter eye out of them.  Doesn't look as impressive as it actually is in person.  I don't think she taught at all that few days!  Ha!

 These next few are the big kids, 5th and 6th graders who really got into it.

 This one, unfortunately, had some Bronco fans, they, surprisingly, did NOT win.

 This teacher used her new grand daughter for an awww vote.

 Some made it into a learning experience

This is the office door.  The principal picked them to win the "specialist"  contest because she has to walk through there every day.  I still think we won, it was all done in fun.  And...I certainly didn't need the donuts that were the grand prize!

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