Friday, February 7, 2014

Wow! Superbowl 48!

 I started getting ready the night before, we hosted a little gathering for the Superbowl.  

 I strung out towels we have acquired at games up on the mantle.

 Tanya brought all kinds of goodies (she took the kids with ehr when she went shoppoing)

 Our menu consisted of chili dogs, or plain hot dogs, little smokies and chips.  Easy and delicous!

 We did a score board with prizes.  Yeah...the Carlsen's provided the prizes and  yeah...they won just about them all :-)  Kylie won twice!  Ha!  But it was fun, and it you were strategic about figuring what the score could be, that was all messed up with the Safety and then their 2 point conversion. 

 Us girls

 David giving Crista a hard time.  Kris went home to let his dog out during half time so he wsn't in the picture.

And....all the craziness...all the all worked out!  Super Bowl CHAMPS BABYYYY!

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