Thursday, March 31, 2011

Heeeere we gooooo....

seperating the pieces out...815 of them

the headless wonder

getting there...

here he is all closed up...

and all opened up

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy birthday Cooper! Finally!

Coopers birthday was February 6th. We were a little late getting his gift to him...had it sitting here this whole time, but didn't get it to him in a timely manner.

Anth & Ally helping Layne with her little toy we brought so she didn't feel bad.

Cooper reading his book that went along with his Chuck the Talking Truck toy.

Coop lovin on the pug

After Jordan assembled...watching the little truck GOOOOO

New Fit Flops!


I know...I know...I SO need a pedicure!!!! Happy Day! I got my Mother's Day present early! A new pair of Fit Flops!!! I debated and debated cuz I really wanted the sequined ones but I chose the more low key ones...the patent, which I had a pair of, but are broken....


Monday, March 28, 2011

Thank you Katie Kat!!!!

Look what arrived in the mail for me!!!!! I LOVE her!!!!!!!

Star Wars Lego

These pictures are out of order... here he is almost done...

the headless wonder

Found his head!

Starting up in the morning to a huge Lego mess! I'm glad he is finally starting to put them together!!!!

Here is the beauty! The Star Wars AT- AT Walker! It is hard finding him Lego's that will keep him challenged. At the regular stores we are down to the Star Wars Lego's...and this one only took him two days!!!!

Starting a new series

Okay, Jordan and I finished the Hunger Games trilogy awhile ago and now we have started a new series, thanks to Auntie Chris. 39 Clues. This one has a whole bunch of books so it should take us awhile....we just started book one.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring is in the air!!!

Race track

I tell ya....Jordan really gets creative when he is grounded! He dug out our race track from in when we first moved into our house and we didn't even have furniture in the living room....and set it up in his room. Only one of the cars worked but he had it going...then set it up with a loop de loop so it landed in the laundry basket. So creative this boy!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

This weekend

The Carlsen's invited us down for a delicious breakfast of egg hashbrown bake, bacon, sausage, cinnamon rolls, Captain Crunch, juice. YUM! How I love breakfast!!!! Anyway, then we watched in horror as the Huskies lost the basketball game. Sad. Sad. Sad.

This weekend, my camera was dead. Sad, I know. real pics darn it! Tracy and I went to Breeanna's volleyball tournament in Tacoma. We only got to see one of her games but I do enjoy watching volleyball. Go Whidbey Fury!!!

Then, Tracy and I headed over to the Tacoma Convention Center where Anthony had a cheer competition. He is starting to partner stunt so that is fun to far he's come in such a short time. Amazing and fun to watch!

Another full weekend :-)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Look who surprised me today!!!!

Amy came down! She, Lily and I spent the day playing. SO glad they came!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


The last thing we did was go to Powell's bookstore. You can literally get lost in there for hours. We saved it for last so we wouldn't be rushed....then we missed out check out time cuz we were late and had to get a new room key made. Sheesh! It really is a fun place to go. Just overwhelming you just don't know where to start.

Urban Iditarod

While at the Saturday Market mom and I saw a "parade" going over the overpass above us. We laughed and chalked it up to Portland being....well...Portland. People being crazy having fun! As we were walking back to the Max we noticed a gathering of people so we investigated. It was the Urban Iditarod! Our lucky day! It is one of the 365 things to do in Portland!!! Teams dress up (and I mean dress up, not just dig something out of your all out!!!) and every team has a shopping cart, all team members must be attached to the shopping cart with one in the lead. They had every kind of theme you can imagine. A lot being totally inappropriate and politically incorrect. It is actually a pub crawl so, even though it was early afternoon, everyone was pretty wasted. T hey all get their drinks and play around until they get a text telling them where the next bar is (within a two mile radius) and then they are off and running...and I mean running. Get the hell out of way after I've had a few drinks kind of running! As we were getting on the Max we saw some teams running across the Max tracks. You you are running, pushing a cart as fast as you can across tracks...and BAM! You just stop, everything flies out of your cart, and you, being the idiot you are, having to get down on your hands and knees and pick everything up as the MAX is coming. Holy cow. Some good serious people watching!!! I'm so glad we investigated!!!!

Playing games while waiting. Totally inappropriate mostly...

Off they goooo...

Watch out...they are off...the poor security people!

Doling out Goldfish as snacks with your beer.

Ninja turtles

Rock band


Gothic gals who are actually for reals, roasting a real life pig on their shopping cart.

Food at the Market!

Besides the great artists there, the food look FAB! We decided to have lunch here. And I twisted moms arm into trying something new :-) Some chicken soft taco's! See? Isn't she brave??? Took one for the team! They were really good!!

Here is the view from under our tent while were were having lunch. Started getting rainy and windy while we were eating.

Portland Saturday Market

Being the city gals that mom and I are, we had breakfast at our hotel and headed out to the Saturday Market on the Max (yup, we are total city travelers taking the city transportation everywhere, or walking...) before the cheer competition started. Drizzy rain but that's how we roll. We don't let stuff like that slow us down or dampen our spirits!!!

This is the view of the convention center from the Market. When the weather is nice I'll bet this area is full of people enjoying the view along the river.

Here we are looking around at the market. Lots of really cool, amazing artists!

Portland Pac West Nationals Cheer Competition

Mom and I arrived at the Portland Convention Center for the cheer competition, all happy...taking pictures of ourselves all the way there....only to find out we would miss the competition because they would not allow ANY camera's in at all. And I didn't know that...everyone else just hid theirs in their pockets, they searched the bags, and found mine and said...sorry. Total bummer.

Here we are on the train.

At Max stop waiting, there is our hotel in the background, the stop was super close, we walked to the Convention Center which was a few blocks every day. The weather was lovely.

We were on the 7th floor and we took the stairs everyday, even dragged our luggage up the stairs the first night. There is Macy's...see it??? And Lloyd Park, where the STP bike race ends. It is really a pretty area.

Hotel. I forgot to take pictures of our room. Not a very good blogger. It didn't help I couldn't have my camera on cheer days. Ugh. Anyway, very nice, the service at the hotel was fantastic. Would highly recommend it!

Lloyd park from the entrance of our hotel.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Karen Hesselgesser

Karen Hesselgesser, David's real Dad's wife, who was a wonderful sweet woman, passed away of Lou Gehrig's disease. The service is on Saturday and David is flying out to show our support for his Dad and his extended family. She has complained of pain for years. I am so thankful she is no longer in pain. I am glad our kids got to meet, and spend some time with her.
Our hearts go out to her family.