Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Happy birthday Cooper! Finally!

Coopers birthday was February 6th. We were a little late getting his gift to him...had it sitting here this whole time, but didn't get it to him in a timely manner.

Anth & Ally helping Layne with her little toy we brought so she didn't feel bad.

Cooper reading his book that went along with his Chuck the Talking Truck toy.

Coop lovin on the pug

After Jordan assembled...watching the little truck GOOOOO


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Ally still talking to Anth after her dropped her? :-) Did you get there at bedtime? Looks like everyone is in thier jammies. How is Coop doing?

Barbi Ford said...

Yep. He didn't drop her onto the ground, he did catch her....and yes, we went after dinner and they had a bath...Coop is doing awesome! Been pretty good since February (know on wood)