Friday, March 18, 2011

Portland Pac West Nationals Cheer Competition

Mom and I arrived at the Portland Convention Center for the cheer competition, all happy...taking pictures of ourselves all the way there....only to find out we would miss the competition because they would not allow ANY camera's in at all. And I didn't know that...everyone else just hid theirs in their pockets, they searched the bags, and found mine and said...sorry. Total bummer.

Here we are on the train.

At Max stop waiting, there is our hotel in the background, the stop was super close, we walked to the Convention Center which was a few blocks every day. The weather was lovely.

We were on the 7th floor and we took the stairs everyday, even dragged our luggage up the stairs the first night. There is Macy's...see it??? And Lloyd Park, where the STP bike race ends. It is really a pretty area.

Hotel. I forgot to take pictures of our room. Not a very good blogger. It didn't help I couldn't have my camera on cheer days. Ugh. Anyway, very nice, the service at the hotel was fantastic. Would highly recommend it!

Lloyd park from the entrance of our hotel.

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