Friday, March 25, 2011

Race track

I tell ya....Jordan really gets creative when he is grounded! He dug out our race track from in when we first moved into our house and we didn't even have furniture in the living room....and set it up in his room. Only one of the cars worked but he had it going...then set it up with a loop de loop so it landed in the laundry basket. So creative this boy!!!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Katie was impressed! We don't have any thing like trains or cars. We need to get some. What was he in trouble for?

Barbi Ford said...

Oh, in trouble for some missing assignments. He is all caught up now. Started his big Lego tonight...she'll really be impressed by that. I'll have to keep that in mind....and look for some cool race track for her! My kids LOVED them and they didn't take up much space...