Monday, March 28, 2011

Starting a new series

Okay, Jordan and I finished the Hunger Games trilogy awhile ago and now we have started a new series, thanks to Auntie Chris. 39 Clues. This one has a whole bunch of books so it should take us awhile....we just started book one.


Jeff and Tanya said...

I wonder if Zach has read these? Kylie says she has read them. They are part of the battle of the books this year. She enjoys them.

Three Girls with a Mom said...

You can go on-line and do more clues. There is what I would call a spin-off of the series coming out soon too. I like books that have the same characters in them.

Barbi Ford said...

I think, with me reading it to him, it will be easier for him to follow, with all the relatives and is hard for him to follow when reading to himself.