Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sick kitty....

Jenni has had problems with her kidneys for years, she has gone years without seemingly feeling bad, but this last week she started not feeling well and noticeably had lost weight. It's hard to know what is the "normal" weight for a cat when we have one thin one and one...well...fluffy I'll just say. David took her into the vet and she is not well. She had lost 2 pounds over several months. So...she is home and we will make her comfortable. She gets dehydrated and is not processing well what she takes in so she gets what she wants, when she wants it, and we take her in to get fluids and make sure she is at least hydrated . Hoping she is in no pain. I just can't go there again with our family pet. It brings back so many horrible memories...


Jeff and Tanya said...

Oh Jenny. She does look so thin. I know she is happy with you guys and I hope the fluids continue to help her.

Barbi Ford said...

Me too. It is hard. I know you know. When you have to decide if her quality of life is being compromised and it is no fun. She seems to be bouncing back a little bit so I'll take that!