Friday, July 13, 2012

Cousin Michelle and Cristina's visit cousin, Michelle's, daughter, Christina, was accepted in the UW graduate audiology program.  SO excited to have her close by! I made her take these cheesy picture in the information building!  Ha!  See how excited she is???  Super duper!

 Then we walked around and found her actual building, which is very close to the bookstore!

 Then, much to her horror, we made her go int he middle of the median and take a picture by the W!

  We went house/apartment shopping one day.  I cannot believe how much they can charge!  Apartments go for $1200 a month, and that is one that you don't share, a studio in some cases!  Crazy!  

 Origionally she wanted to be on her own, and not share, she has done that for four years, one in the dorms and the other 3 with room mates in a house, but the rent here did not allow that.  Soooo...we started looking at sharing situations.  This darling house, right in the heart of the U District, super close to her school building, right within the beautiful surroundings of some of the fraternities and sororities.

 The price was right.  Believe it or not, this cute house was completely gutted and rebuilt with college budgets in mind.  There are 17 rooms in this house with 2 kitchens, and I believe something like 5 bathrooms.  Her room is actually the one with the three windows on the top floor.  It is open, roomy, and I think it is perfect.  You share a kitchen, and bathrooms, but there are plenty and they were fairly clean, and you can use any one on any level.  Since college students are gone so much either at school or work, I think it really is the most economical choice and the house is located right in the heart of it all.

It really lifted a weight off of her shoulders to have found this on this trip, lease signed and ready to move in when she is ready.  Now she can get her books for school and start thinking about what she will take out here, or get it out here.  Can't wait for her to cook us dinner though!  Sounds like she really likes to cook!

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