Sunday, July 15, 2012

More River Rafting

 Once again....we went river rafting and did the same run David and I did a few weeks ago.

 Anth getting ready to go, you can see the anxiety in his eyes!

 No words

 Sometimes I wish I had a normal son (thanks Jordan)

 Will I miss this?  I dunnoooo...

 It was 106 degrees the day we went rafting.  But the water had changed so much from the 2 weeks prior when we went, it was lower and slower, that they didn't even require wet suits!  Still had to wear helmets and life vests though.  It was less constant whitewater but it was a totally different trip.  This time, all the rafts pulled off into an eddy and they allowed us to jump off of these high rocks into the deep part of the river, and float back to our boat.  I even put my big girl panties on and did it, even though, once I was up there, I knew it was a huge mistake, I didn't want to be a weenie so I just did it.  And lived, thankfully.  Anth did it too.  David stayed in the boat.

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