Monday, July 30, 2012

Trying to Drive home.....If You Give A Mouse A Cookie style...

 So....helped Bree organize, clean her room (it looks awesome) and Aim was driving me back to mom and dads house and we saw the most gorgeous, vibrant double rainbow. 

 Then J pointed out, you can see BOTH ends!  That is so cool...we must run to the highest place near us to try to get pictures, which was the Sunnyside luck...but got gorgeous pictures....

 Then we decided to go out to Ebey's Landing and see if we could get a picture of it there!

 Look at this cool fort on the beach!

 There it is!  How beautiful is that????
 Then we turn around the other way and the sunset is so gorgeous!!

 More rainbow!!!!

 Sun is setting quickly.....

 The sky was just so vibrant, pictures do not do it justice!

 Then, on the way home, the Port Townsend ferry was coming in, with the gorgeous sky, so we had to take pict


Jeff and Tanya said...

Wow! Those pictures are amazing - I bet it was really beautiful in person! Gorgeous sunset and rainbow!

Barbi Ford said...

It was so vibrant and beautiful, but trying to capture it on film, which we never did, then one thing led to another, led to another, led to another and then mom & dad were in bed :-(