Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Fireworks...

 It was just a very different year this year.  We didn't go home for the 4th of July.  It was on a Wednesday and everyone had to work on Thursday, but it just felt weird.  Jordan missed the fireworks pyromania that he looks forward to every year though...and now that he is getting to be older, and the big kid, he was looking forward to being in charge, but alas, not this year...

 So, he entertained our friends (Crista and Kris) and neighbors (Tim and Kathi) with his small selection of fireworks in the backyard as we chatted and ate a delicious hamburger BBQ that David prepared.

 Anth even came by for a bit...and...they sure do get along well when they are doing dangerous and/or destructive things!!!

 Then...they went out front without "real" adult supervision.....

 And then innocent creatures, like the dinosaur they have had since they were toddlers started getting harmed....with bottle rockets shoved down it's throat.

 And the poor Ninja turtle.... he was launched into the sky....though they had to figure out  the perfect ratio of bottle rockets in which to do it properly....and then record it on their phones.

 And lego guy?  Let's just say Lego Darth Vader suffered a long and painful the middle of the street.

 Mmmmhmmmmm....those are the smiles of conniving children!  Thankfully we ended the evening with everyone and their extremities intact.

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