Monday, July 16, 2012

Go Bronco's

 Shhh...secretly taken picture of Anthony and David going to the dorms when Anthony will stay the night.  No one tolerates my pictures very well and Anthony just flat out was being a butt.

 It's not like we had an audience or anything but he still wanted NO pictures.  And, there were no other moms chasing their kids around with cameras so I chose not to as well, just sneak a few every now and then when no one was looking.

 The dorms to the left are Anthony's.  The campus is really beautiful.  Considering it is, and has been 100+ degree's in Boise, they water using canal water, which doesn't cost them, so everyone's yards are so lush and green.  The campus was no exception.   He is staying in Keiser, which is an 8 plex.  That is set up with 8 rooms going across with a common room in the middle and a bathroom at each end, so 4 rooms share a bathroom.  They are in charge of making sure they have toilet paper and cleaning their own bathrooms.  We met one of his room mates from California, who is doing civil engineering.  Looks to be someone Anthony would get along well with.  But that might be nice to be able to have a study partner right in your dorms with you.

 This is the student union building with the cafeteria, which no one had anything but glowing things to say about...and the bookstore, and lots of things actually.  We were there for our whole orientation.  Freezing in the air conditioned rooms, then coming out to be reminded what 100 degrees feels like!  Yup.  It is hot! It was a good informative weekend overall.

 Then, as we stop at a rest area, Anthony decides he hasn't had his work out yet, so he tells David to put it in neutral, and in the hot heat, he pushes the car almost all the way down the on ramp.  Alledgedly getting up to possibly 8 miles an hour.

 Then, having obviously gotten too much sleep, proceeded to act like a child....

 Finally, after driving into the sun for all dang day!!!  It went down with a beautiful sunset....tried to hurry and get a picture without the bugs, but missed it. is the photo with all the bugs on the window.

Came home and Gramoom and Jordan had set up camp in the back yard for the night. 

1 comment:

Three Girls with a Mom said...

that is what mommy's are suppose to do. Take pictures of all great events!