Sunday, January 20, 2013

Christmas Morning

 I think the Bishops are here!

 Katie got the boys these things you throw against a mirror or window or wall.  I am telling you.  Hours of fun, until the boob broke.  Anth got the boob (which deflated...not a pretty sight) and Jordan got an egg.

 Moosie got a new hedgie!

 We missed Breeanna in Florida, but Iris came!

 Anthony was beyond excited about his Ugg slippers and literally has not taken them off since.

 Kat and the headband, in Coupeville colors Uncle David got her.

 David, obviously in pain, getting his photo taken.

 Aim and Iris

 Jordan got an iphone

 and a BB/pellet Gun

 and a R2D2 Lego

 Anth got a TV for his dorm room, that is awaiting his arrival

 Chillin, watching sports and eating

 playing the new Disney Pictionary game we got mom and dad

 us girls and our matching I love Santa shirts

Merry Christmas everyone!

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