Monday, January 14, 2013

Jinge Bell Time!!!

 This year Christi has a great idea to stay in Seattle for the Jingle Bell Run to eliminate some of the craziness of an early morning that we usually do...She found the La Quinta and it was perfect.  Nice rooms, safe area within walking distance for both the run, downtown as well as the stadium where mom and I would need to head after the run.  We were able to do the run and come back and shower and head to the Seahawk game where we met dad and Tanya.

 Jordan relaxing just like we do at the Shades of Green in Florida..just not quite the same temperature, or view.....

 Jordan did not want to come downtown with us to see the lights, so he found a movie and made himself comfy in the room.

 And the rest of us headed out to get into the spirit!

 Westlake tree

 Snowing at Pacific Place

 Ready to run!

 the gang...ready to run.  Iris wasn't feeling well, rough night of sleep, so she stayed back and rested.  She wasn't devestated...running aint her thang.  So...we met her back afterwards.

 few people

 me and J after

Katie was so excited about the garbage truck that came!  She stood out in the freezing cold to watch him.

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