Monday, January 28, 2013

Covington tree

These are out of order, and I hate that, but....our Covington Christmas tree was tragically killed this season by someone who is mad that a few years ago, they took down the big tree (that was diseased) and put in a roundabout.  They put another tree in it's place and one night they sawed like 85% through it and it was certain tree death.  They held it up with a crane (I watched from the little Mexican restaurant nearby) and all these news crews were there and I was wondering why.  As soon as they lit it up, we heard chain saws and down it came.  It made me so sad.  The person who did this left a note saying they were mad about the original Covington tree.  Really?  That is how you handle it?  Anyway.  they got a new one and put the lights back on it and it was beautiful.

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