Thursday, January 31, 2013

Off to Afghanistan Dec 30, 2012

 We saw David off to Afghanistan on December 30th for the year.  

 It was harder this time than last.  So much more happening last time.  Gram Jan had just passed away and we were all reeling from the loss, getting through Christmas, the reality of him being gone for a year, and having Anthony away at college...just sad.  

  I am looking forward to giving Jordan some of my undivided attention!  Him?  Not looking forward to that so much!

My friend Wendy, whose husband Thomas is due home from his deployment in Afghanistan at the end of February gave me this Glassy Baby candle in a beautiful purple color with votives that I light every night.  So pretty, and thoughtful. . Each Glassy Baby (that are made locally) have a name for that color and this color is courage.

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