Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Off to the SUPERBOWL!!!!!!

Ready for some game time fun!

 Warmin up...

 We got a Seahawk date with dad!

 Hard to see but Macklemore played at halftime and he is a big time Hawks fan.  Such fun!

 The buildings around got in on the 12th man fun!

 Everyone waving their towels!

 Getting ready to do this!  Soooo nerve wracking!


 Accepting the NFC West championship trophy

All the fans piling out of the stadium, most of them happy, 'cept the ones wearing red.  They were kinda quiet on the way out...not so much on the way in though.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

And the Saints go marching home

 It was a nasty, nasty, windy, wet game, but that didn't stop us!!!

 Breeanna had a basketball game so Aimee was unable to go so I was able to ask my Seahawk partner in crime to come with me.  And boy did we have fun!  Though the weather was nasty, we were prepared and comfortable and cheers our Seahawks to a WIN!

 We signed the I'M IN sign right on the bottom of the beak.

 And then....right as we were going up to our seats after taking refuse downstairs where it was at least skies!  Lasted for a little while, we'll take it!

 Jeff thoughtfully picked us up some hand warmers, boy did those come in handy!  Kept us nice and toasty!  And...Disney to boot!  Doesn't get better than that!


 This is what happened when I asked Chris to take our picture...thought I'd post it since it's a gem....might even make the calendars this year!

Just a lil Seahawk football....Woot Woot!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Got me a new jersey for Christmas

 And now I am ready for some FOOTBAAAAALLLLL!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Movin him out!

 After Christmas and David moving back in and complaining I took over the closet...I moved him into the guest room closet :-)  Which meant all the guest room closet stuff had to find a home.  Oh goodness!

I was able to "creatively organize" to fit everything I wanted to keep, but I did get rid of some stuff too.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lil more basketball

Jordan's team played in Redmond

 This is all I ever get of Zach.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Seattle Symphony

 We were invited to the symphony with Thomas and Wendy.  

 Waiting for our friends at Wild Ginger

 Really yummy chicken pad thai!

 and THEN I read the sign above that said no pictures...oops ;-)

Date night fun!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Story of my life...

And where exactly am I going to sleep???

Sunday, January 12, 2014


We headed home on New Year's day.  We had appointments and stuff.  On the way we stopped in Mt. Vernon with everyone and saw Frozen.  Bree and Katie and Christi had seen it before and they all LOVED it and were excited to go back again with us.  It was probably one of my favorite Disney movies. 

New Years Eve!!!!

 We had snacks at Aimee and Roberts for New Year's Eve.  Just us'ns.  June and Marty came too!  They just got back from their fun filled trip to Minnesota.  They have lots of stories to tell!

 The spread.

 Dad getting ready to chug the Mexican tequila

 Rufi ready to party harty!

 Jordan was sick and took a little nap....poor kid.

 Watching the ball drop

 New Year's kisses for Lulu!

 photo bomb by Kat

David tweaked his back at teh house and was in a lot of pain for the New Year.  He took some good drugs and napped through the ball drop...Lucy felt bad for him so she did too.