Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Seahawks vs. Cardinals...grrrrr

 Tanya and I headed to our annual Seahawk game.  I was all decked out in my totally cute Seahawk hair band to keep my ears warm!  

 Caught the train in Kent and headed to Seattle.  Standing room only both ways.

 We arrived and wait for Christi and dad at the designated spot

 Taking selfies

 And some more....

 You could see the fog rolling in as we walked up the ramps.

 Chris with her nutiriou$ lunch

 Tanya had a cast for her tendontis so we had to be carefu cuz that thing was a CLUB.  A dangerous weapon really!  No high fiving for her!

Doin werk, but unfortunately, not enough, didn't win the game.  dang it!!!  I had no voice for 2 days!

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