Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas morning!

 We woke up and waited for everyone to get to mom and dads.  The kids don't wake up at the crack of dawn anymore, as a matter of fact, we had to wake up Jordan when Bree and Katie were on their way!

 But, Anthony is always excited and opened his stocking first thing.

 Then J got to work on his.

 Lucy got a new toy that you put an empty water bottle in.  She loved it, so much she wasn't very  nice to it!

 J was the recipient of the big gift from Santa this year.  Santa brought J a CAR!  He had NO idea and he didn't know what to do with himself.  Big cheshire cat grin. 

 Kat and her new doll

 David flew each of the boys a flag on their birthday, along with documentation.

 Todd and dad

Grateful David made it home for Christmas!

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