Sunday, August 31, 2014

Floating the River Day 2

 We went back to a different spot on the River in Golden and the big kids floated it.  We got some cheap floaties (not ideal) and off they went with  my cousins son Jake, who goes to college on the East Coast in Boston.

 This is how far I went off the rock.  The current is very strong and that water!?!  Goodness is it COLD!

Anth bracing for the plunge

 Jake got the tippy tube this time.....

 The spot where we were had a "waterfall" kind of thing that the current was really strong but it just took you straight down.  So everyone was jumping into the white water and it would swiftly take them downstream.  It was a short little fun thing that lots and lots of kids were doing that day.

 Then they decided to try the raft....they got it all pumped up and off they went...

 Only two boys came a deflating raft.  Anth ended up walking back on the trail. 

 Going down the waterfall and rapids

 Anth with a death grip

 J had tippy tube

 Then they decided to walk out to the middle and see how far they could walk down the "waterfall" part before being swept downstream.  Didn't make it too far...but it was fun for them.

 Jake's turn

Then they walked across it.  Boy was it difficult with the strong current to stay up right but they both  managed. Did I mention....that this water is C-O-L-D!?!?

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