Friday, August 15, 2014

Ragnar 2014

 Getting ready to roll....Ragnar 2014 here we come.  It isn't a family team this year as much.  Chris hurt her achilles so she isn't running, Jordan is running for her.  Two girls in our car we didn't know but they ended up being great!!!

 Mom and I were official drivers.  Christi too, but she rode with the team.

 It's a good look on him, yes?

 They start EARLY!  It is very early in the morning, their van is done, and ours is starting back up!

 Jordan getting a little wake up from Andy.

 We have been ducked!  At the Greeenbank farm transition.

 Brother even joined in for the fun.

 Last leg underway!

Finished!  Whew!

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