Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Returning Warrior Weekend June 27-29

 David was invited to a RRW weekend in Portland.  Basically, it was an all expense paid weekend trip.  We stayed at the Marriot (where mom and I stayed several years for the Portland cheer competition) but on the other side of the hotel.  It was really nice, they had break out sessions, and speakers and it was all catered, the food was good even!  Nice weekend getaway.

 One of the coolest things....they have a quilting organization that makes quilts for the returning warriors to wrap them in comfort.  They were amazing, beautiful quilts and each warrior was able to pick one out, they personalize it for you, then all they ask is they get to wrap it around you to thank you for your service.  Seriously.  So cool.  And, they ask that you USE the quilt.

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