Friday, August 8, 2014

Point Defiance with ELL Summer School

Cathie asked me to help chaparone a trip to the Point Defiance Zoo, and I jumped at the chance!

 I got to see some of my students from school.  Farhad, on the right behind one. He is a little tough nut to crack as he does not want to read.  And he needs to!  There are many kids (like 8 I think) in his family so sometimes I think they get lost in the fight just to survive.

 Monkey saying hello!  The kids LOVED it!

 Everyone watching the elephant.  My coworker Debbie is on the right.  My student Kalsoom is on the far left.  She is a joy and caught on so quickly, however, not loving walking around at the zoo.  I would never, ever have predicted SHE would be the one complaining about the walking!  She sucked it up though, and did just fine, with a little whining :-)

 The kids getting to touch the sting rays.

 They LOVE LoVe loved the sharks!

 Then they got to play.

 A great day spent with great teachers and great kids.  A gorgeous, sunny day.  Thought, unfortunately it is in the middle of Ramadan so some of them didn't eat nor drink on this hot hot hot day so I hope they all felt well when they got home!

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