Thursday, April 7, 2011

ID cards and a visiting...

Today we had to all get up early (let me just tell you how very ugly Monday is going to be - U-G-L-Y. very.) and head over to Bremerton to get new ID cards. We hadn't gotten them renewed since David was active duty and in Iraq! That's how long! Now I can legally go into the exchange with mom and purchase something!!! Wheee!! We had our first appointment at 9 a.m. We got there a little early (1/2 hour) so David got the stickers for his car so he can get on base. And we had all our stickers gotten, ID cards in hand and out the door before our official apointment even was! Sweet!

Then we headed over to Uncle Bill's and Aunt Bonnie's for a quick little impromptu visit. I just leave feeling happy :-)


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Very nice! So very unmilitary to be out early. Did you have to drive both cars? No pictures from the visit with Aunt Bonnie?

Barbi Ford said...

No, I didn't even bring my camera. Duh. It was probably because the gal was a civilian - haha! She was super nice. I think several of the ladies had a crush on David and it must have been odd for us to have our whole family in at one time. I thought David knew these ladies...but apparently he didn't. They were really nice and we got out of there in a timely fashion...we just drove the Pilot but were able to get stickers for all three cars.