Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sky High Baby!!!!

the motley crew - Cole, Zach, Jordan, Anthony, Bree and Zac (HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAC!)

All filing out to jump

Anth in the back, Jordan in the red t shirt, the back of Zac and Breeanna who looks mad.

Anth and his impressive flips

Off the wall

and back again

Jordan owned at dodgeball - Zach is there too

Cole ready...

Zach ready

J and Zach

Anth going for Jordan I'm sure

Anth blurry, Cole in the back

Anth doing a tuck into the foam pit

Jordan and Zach ready

All three boys - YAY one with them all in it


Trying to take a picture of Zac and Bree...guess who shows up!?!


Us spectators

After, sweaty and gross.

Fun time was had by all!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

That looks so fun for the kids. I am with you on the bladder. Would it be something Katie could go do? Aim said she thought there was an area for little kids but wasn't sure.

Barbi Ford said...

Yes, I do believe there is an area for little kids. You may need to put your Depends on and go with her - HA! There were moms jumping but I just can't do that. I would save the $11 and jump at really is exhausting though. After one hour those boys were sweating seriously....they played a lot of dogdeball.