Monday, April 11, 2011

THIS!!! THIS!!! THIS!!!!

Was left, on our front door step, doorbell rang, and no one there when David opened it. In a laundry basket, with a pretty blue bow, vet papers, a soft blanket and a bag of puppy food. Later find out our neighbors had thought of us and got him for first we didn't know. Had us going for awhile. I wasn't really ready but everyone fell in love and I guess sometimes ya gotta go with the flow. So I'm gonna try. I really miss Buddy Roo. I feel bad leaving her (Luscious aka Lucy - named by David) alone all day. But Kathi said she would help us take her out and such. Puppies sure are cute. Certainly a good natured little thing. She is a bird dog drop out...didn't much care for the birds, so she doesn't bother the cats at all. Bobbi is just a brute. She stalks and is just nasty. She'll get used to her, Lucy doesn't bother her at all. Could care less. A new addition to our family...

1 comment:

Jeff and Tanya said...

Sorry to have been in on the secret and I would have caved if David hadn't told you last night. You will always miss Buddy and he will always be in your heart. Now Lucy can help with the healing.