Friday, April 1, 2011

Let's try this again....Clone Turbo Tank

Christi pointed out my other post was the SAME ONE I had already posted about. Short term memory loss I guess...Sheesh!

the beginning mess...starting with 1,141 parts (teeny tiny parts)

more mess....

here is the beauty...

Here she is all opened up.

Look how painful it is to get your picture taken with your creation!!


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Is this a star wars thing? How many more Legos things are out there for him to do?

Barbi Ford said...

We are now down to Star Wars Lego's in the affordable ($$) Lego section....we are running out of room, he held out on these from Christmas, then did two of them in one week (grounded so no electronics) so whipped them right out...starting to run out of options...