Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Break!!!!

I am scrapbooking. I finally have everything I need. Phone(s) on the table, diet Dr. Pepper (needs a refill) and I am good to go. Stayed up way late two nights but I finished the year 2009. About 60 pages worth. I really forget how much I enjoy it. Now...ran out of page protectors and albums. Need a few of those...but when given the choice of buying more scrapbook supplies, or albums, I choose supplies, so have several years not in actual albums yet. Tough choice....and I'll probably make the same one next time too. On to a Disney trip I think...then 2010, then sheesh. I'll almost be caught up. See...I did it different than my friends, I didn't go back and do what I had missed. I just started when I started. My kids don't have totally awesome cool baby books. Just the way it is at this point. Maybe someday when I have time... Anyway. Feel like I got something accomplished anyway.


Jeff and Tanya said...

Awesome! I am so jealous.....I am so far behind. One of these days....I can't wait to see all your pages.

Three Girls with a Mom said...

I wish I enjoyed scrapbooking more. I have lots to scrapbook. I think I have the hospital done from when Katie was born but that is it. What size books do you use?

Barbi Ford said...

I use 12 X 12. If you don't enjoy it, you really shouldn't force yourself to do it. You are documenting it all just the same on the blog. Save your time for doing something you love doing. If I was caught up, I'd do yours, but I am pretty sure there is no hope of being "caught up" whatever that is...as time keeps marching on :-) I love to sit and lose myself in it.