Sunday, July 31, 2011

Torchlight Parade

After the run, on our way back out to the parking garage, we found ourselves in the staging area for the bands and the floats for the parade. So we stood and watched them for a while. The Seahawk was there, and the Seagals and Blue Thunder.

Oh. The memories. The Pink Toe. I don't even know how long ago it was, forever for sure. The pink toe towing place that used to be right on Mercer....I TOLD David he should NOT park along the railroad tracks cuz it said NO parking...he said look how many other people are doing it, and ignored me. Come back after the Seahawk game....NO car!!!!! We tracked down the car that had been TOWED, and had to take the city bus (for the first time) and ended walking several blocks to get the car back. The Pink Toe holds a special place in my heart...

Coast Guard carrying the flag

Some cool bands

Cool Chinese Dragon

Torchlight Run

Mom, Aim and I did the torchlight 8K after we went to Uncle Steve's celebration of life in Stanwood. It was 82 degrees in Seattle and it was muggy and HOT! Much to hot to run. Ugh.

Here we are phone camera was fogging up!

Lucy May

We went for a car ride, veeeery early in the morning on Thursday. Lucy had an appointment at the vet to be spayed. Being at the vet makes me very emotional. While waiting in the room, I remember how awful it was the last time I was there. I was trying to put on my big girl panties and just suck it up. I barely made it. Then, when I had to sign the waiver for recitation if something were to happen, I nearly lost it. Just so hard. I miss Buddy so much and am so glad Lucy is such a good dog. But I still miss Buddy Roo.

After. She did not feel well. She didn't eat or drink for the entire day...she was sore and just slept. She threw up every time she stood up and I felt so bad for her. Thankfully, she started feeling better the next morning and she is back to her normal self. I hate it when the kids feel sick...they did a hack shave job and she was shaved on her leg for the IV :-(

Friday, July 29, 2011

Snoqualmie Falls

While we were in the area, Aim and I took the scenic route home and went by Snoqualmie Falls.

The View from Little Si

I forgot to post the pictures we took from the top. So pretty. Gorgeous day.

Little Si

Aimee came down to visit and we had an eventful day. We went to see Bridesmaids the movie, it is hilarious and I have seen it 3 times in the theatre but some parts of that movie make me laugh till I cry! We thrifted a little bit, then we went to hike the Little Si Trail, only to find out we needed a pass to even park there. Ugh. So, we ran back into North Bend and went to the Ace Hardware there and paid for the pass and off we went, for real this time.

One of many pictures we tried to take of us AND the sign. Didn't work out so well.

Here we are at the top, once again, trying to get back ground gorgeousness but it didn't work out so well either.

Aim on the way down at a look out.

Me at the same look out. Let me just say. Aimee and David....billy goat! Me? Not.So.Much.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Marymoor dog park!

The boys and I set out Monday to take Lucy on her first dog park experience. We went on Monday, and on the rainy/cloudy day hoping that there would be a few dogs there but not too she could stay focused on us and playing in the water.

off we goooo...

We started out small and she did really well.

She liked the water and got the hang of it as she was swimming back...much less frantic splashing, much more smooth.

A wet happy girl.

Then we played fetch with the ball. She LOVED the ball and wanted the boys to throw it all the time.

The boys played hide and seek in the tall grass and she found them, not quite as well as Buddy used to do (he was really good at it) but she did pretty well.

She was a tired little girl on the way home. Out. Out. Not like drowsy. Out. she didn't even care that the boys ate cheeseburgers on the way home! I know....crazy, huh?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Little side of the road shenanigans

Christi is going to try out for the Olympic Flag team next year

Safety first! Always had to cross with your flag or your team got a violation!

RAGNAR - 190 miles/24 hours of pure craziness!

Christi and Aimee did a great job decorating the vans!

potty anyone? I guess a few... Van 2 picked up for Van 1 around Bow I think. Van 2 was a teeny bit late as we were listening to the safety talk, Van 1 was getting ready to come in. Poor Sarah had to bust it to get her bib on and get out of there!

little pit stop for the middle of her run

Aimee coming up the trail hill. Christine was her runner....they were doing an ultra so instead of 12 people their crazy team had 6 runners!!!! Each runner did two a row!!!! It was so cool though, normally we don't see them but for all of the first few legs, we were on the same transition schedule so we got to cheer them on too for awhile. Then....we pulled ahead - HA! Just kidding. There really is no comparing a RAGNAR ultra to a regular Ragnar. I can't even imagine being that crazy. I wasn't even crazy enough to get talked into the regular Ragnar!

Sarah coming up the hill, poor thing got lost on the trail, along with a few other people so she ran an extra mile or so...which makes a huge difference when you are running SO many miles to begin with. Glad she made it safely though.

Christi handing off to Curtis. Curtis and Jeff jumped in to save us at the last minute when we had people drop out due to injury. They were fun to have in our van, very fast runners, and were pretty easy going guys that can go with the flow...thank goodness!

Christi handed off to Curtis

The Champion....(cue we are the champion music in the background)

Curtis handing off to mom

off she goes...lookin good lady!

Mom handing off to Jeff

Off he goes. Boy could he pull out the speed when he wanted/needed to!

Jeff handing off to Andy

off he our van will go to Chris Marti's house and rest for a few hours before we start up again in the morning in Coupeville to finish this thing off....

Sarah handing off to Christi

off she goes!

Christi handing off to Curtis

Curtis handing off to mom

Mom had some killer hills her last leg! She rocked it!

Curtis went for the next best thing to an ice bath...

Missed one...missed mom and Jeff? But here is Jeff to Andy heading out for the last leg. Van 1 was kickin back in Langley drinking some beer waiting for our van.

Here they come! Team Start Slow and Taper From There! Was an awesome experience! I am so glad we got some laid back people for our van that can take our craziness. And were fast. Kick ass fast. Amazing! Mid, Jill, Parker, Hailey and Heath came out to cheer as well! I didn't get any pictures of the night legs, though everyone who ran them absolutely loved running in the dark. I am thinking you have to love running in order to love running in the dark. It turned out to be a rather warm day which was a challenge especially with some of the hills that were on the last part, but everyone did so well.

Chris and Sarah, looking great after what they've been through! Great job girls!!! No rest for the weary. Sarah had to go home and be mommy to 3 little ones with no break. Ugh. I went home and collapsed and slept from 7:30 p.m. until 10 Sunday morning. I do enjoy my sleep, don't like doing without it so much....