Sunday, July 31, 2011

Torchlight Parade

After the run, on our way back out to the parking garage, we found ourselves in the staging area for the bands and the floats for the parade. So we stood and watched them for a while. The Seahawk was there, and the Seagals and Blue Thunder.

Oh. The memories. The Pink Toe. I don't even know how long ago it was, forever for sure. The pink toe towing place that used to be right on Mercer....I TOLD David he should NOT park along the railroad tracks cuz it said NO parking...he said look how many other people are doing it, and ignored me. Come back after the Seahawk game....NO car!!!!! We tracked down the car that had been TOWED, and had to take the city bus (for the first time) and ended walking several blocks to get the car back. The Pink Toe holds a special place in my heart...

Coast Guard carrying the flag

Some cool bands

Cool Chinese Dragon