Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lucy May

We went for a car ride, veeeery early in the morning on Thursday. Lucy had an appointment at the vet to be spayed. Being at the vet makes me very emotional. While waiting in the room, I remember how awful it was the last time I was there. I was trying to put on my big girl panties and just suck it up. I barely made it. Then, when I had to sign the waiver for recitation if something were to happen, I nearly lost it. Just so hard. I miss Buddy so much and am so glad Lucy is such a good dog. But I still miss Buddy Roo.

After. She did not feel well. She didn't eat or drink for the entire day...she was sore and just slept. She threw up every time she stood up and I felt so bad for her. Thankfully, she started feeling better the next morning and she is back to her normal self. I hate it when the kids feel sick...they did a hack shave job and she was shaved on her leg for the IV :-(

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