Thursday, July 21, 2011

Auburn High School basketball camp

Jordan went to a basketball camp put on by the Auburn High School basketball team this week. Jordan is in the dark gray/blue shirt with his back facing us in the back row. Jordan had an awesome camp and got a backpack for an award and a coupon for a free dessert at McDonald's. Score!!! Sounds like they had fun and learned a lot and came home tiiired today. Gotta love it!

Going up for a shot. Gym photo's are so hard...

Coming back down


Zach and Jordan

little Defense


Three Girls with a Mom said...

Whoo Hoo! I see a trip to McDonald's in your furture! I am guessing you are so excited you can't stand it. Congrats to Jordan! That is awesome.

Barbi Ford said...

Yup...I am guessing so. I could force myself to choke down an ice cream cone or a Rolo McFlurry....they are only here for a limited time you know!!!! Gotta take advantage. I mean...what is a limited time anyway? What if they were gone tomorrow????