Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lulu is a messy messy rodent!

Lulu, my moms guinea pig (Robert calls her pig for short) is having some health issues. Female type of health issues, I won't get into it, but she needed surgery, and meds, and quite possibly a hysterectomy. This is what you get when your vet instigated the whole getting of the "pig" in the first place. So, now, he is kind enough to provide veterinary services for her. I think she is on the mend. She had a cone around her "neck" if you can call it that so mom took it off every night so she can clean herself a bit and be free....she is a messy girl! We took her to the vet and since her surgery she has gained some weight, which was a relief since she had been losing weight prior to, not feeling well.'s all good in the hood for Miz Lulu I believe!!!

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