Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dining Out....Military Style!

David and I went to a Dining Out, which is a formal dinner at McChord Air Force Base. We normally don't get dressed up so I was pretty nervous. We were going with another military couple we know and I really like his wife so I felt a little better...we sat by them and we chatted. Dinner was chicken cordon bleu. It was good. Bummer. They ran out of chocolate cake. Really? Then Wendy and I tried to make the boys take us to dessert somewhere good but we didn't know the area or what would be open at 9:30 at night, nor were they game for the Melting Pot in their dress whites. Weanies. They headed home for ice cream sundaes and we went through McDonalds for Rolo McFlurry's. That's right. Don't hate. That's how we roll. Anyhoo. The military has all these traditions they must upkeep but I must admit, it was much more informal (and funny) than I would have thought. The dress was formal and everyone looked so sharp, but as far as the rest of it besides a little serious stuff....not so serious. As in they had a toilet that people had to dip a cup in, turn around, say a specific saying, drink the juice, and put the head upside down on their head, if they made an infraction such as being late, uniform infraction, then it turned into one man was jealous of another man's hairline so they started making stuff up, all in good fun. was kind of like getting a show at the same time as dinner. Though you could not just get up unless the president said so to go to the bathroom (he gave several bathroom breaks) It was pretty fun actually, good to see the Arnett's and get all dolled up and go out somewhere. We must have had like 15 toasts though, and those were serious, I think we toasted pretty much everyone! Our table did have to get up and sing I'm a Little Tea Pot. And some guys for "infractions" had to get up and sing YMCA. Anyhoo... good times!

1 comment:

Jeff and Tanya said...

Wow - don't you both look so smashing!