Friday, July 1, 2011

Uncle Dave and Aunt Billie

Uncle Dave and Aunt Billie came to visit. They arrived June 26th. I took a "diversity in the workplace" class for 5 hours in the morning, then mom and dad came down and we met at their hotel at the airport for some food and dessert. It was great to see them. Christi and Katie came too. Did a little swimming in the hotel pool. Then I got to hang out with them on Friday as they had all day to kill. They came out to my house and we went to fish and chips (they were havin a hankerin) and went to have a pizza picnic that evening but it was nasty weather, pouring down rain so we (David and I) met at Aunt Dian's church. We got to see Beverly, Tammy and the boys, Todd, and of course, uncle Dick and aunt Dian. I took my camera with the intent on getting some photos of the brothers and sisters together. intentions. Totally forgot and only got a few pictures of aunt Billie and uncle Dave, which is better than nothing but I wanted ones of all of them. It doesn't happen that often that we can get them all together. Darn it.

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